Monday, April 08, 2024

Light or Darkness

Are Light and Darkness the two sides of the coin?

Ibn al-Haytham's work sheds light on the fundamental principles behind our ability to see objects. From his studies, two key observations emerge: first, without light, visibility is null, and second, without objects to interact with, light itself remains invisible to us. This becomes evident in scenarios such as traveling through intergalactic space, where the absence of matter results in nothing but darkness, despite the potential presence of photons traversing the void (assuming photons are present, they must originate from a source, and seeing them would involve their direct interaction with our eyes, revealing the source from which they were reflected or emitted).

Friday, January 26, 2024

Action without Expectation!!!

Other day my sister's pet Chinitu was not keeping well. His vertran Dr was treating him. Chintu being already old age, my sister anxiously asks Dr what will happen. Dr said treating is our hands, death is not in our hands it may come soon or may not. If we treat result of every action as a death and we will end the feverishness of getting the result. Yes action is motivated by the fruit however as Krishna says Do your action, leave fruit to me.

Passion in Work, Dispassion in Meditation. 

As Gurudev Sri Sri Ravishankar says, to Pursue your passion, you need Patience and for that you need Dispassion.


A Paradox of the Change

Some fears the change and some wants the change. Normally a tendancy of the mind when time is bad we want the change and when time is good we don't want the change. But when we look closely at the life the change is inveitable.A simple day with time changes its shades, like that situations, people around do change with time sometimes noticable someimes un-noticable, but change is happening. If we accept this fact we will be peaceful. Why we don't want the change because it gives the comfort. Everyone wants the absolute comfort. There is something in us we is not changing. This is the reference point because of which we identify all the changes. Reposing in the non-changing entity gives us the absolute comfort. Some bad situation around us definitely we want to change and yes we should give 100% to change it. However with the action done with the peaceful state of mind, with reposing in the self, we may get the desired results. And anyway from our own experience the change is inevtiable. That is the paradox.