Veils of Maya !!!

The word Maya comes from which can be measured. So whatever we see around can be measured hence a Maya. 

I am putting lil analysis with different scenarios....

If you take a particular person in the family, take for example working son of the home. The way he appears for his wife his behavior\his charm completely different for his mother. For his mother he is completely different person than his wife. The same with his children, children sees him different than his father. The way his friend relates with him is totally different from a office colleague. The point I am making here how a same person can appear so differently to people depending upon their own nature and relation with him. So that person is not the Truth. If it is truth he should be same for everyone. Truth is beyond personality!!!

Another such example I am putting with little different perspective though....perspective word itself lil funny though....doesn't suit in context of Truth.
When movie is being recorded, actors acts, they expresses their emotions but no emotions are recorded on the film. The film is flat now, only sound and forms. But when the movie is watched by group of people, the same movie brings different emotions to each individual.  See the movie is just projection of forms with help of light and sound but the same movie is liked by someone, disliked by someone, very emotional for someone, very boring for someone. So depending upon the individuality we see perceive same thing differently, What We See is What We Are !!!

Now take an a example of sky, we all know it takes eight minutes to reach Sunrays to earth.  Aha, then we see the Sun it is actually eight minute late it is already a past. During night we see many stars in the sky which are light years basically the night-sky is already a past, which is not the Truth. 

Another incidence, watching a Sunrise\Sunset. The same Sunrise brings different knowledge to different persons. A painter sees it is magical display of dreamy colors, scientist extracts some scientific knowledge from it, a poet when sees get inspired for a beautiful poem or musician expresses it in all together different form. So all the knowledge is present in an around, it is depending upon individuality we extract it. Truth is beyond Knowledge!!!

Every individual's journey is a spiritual journey seeking the ultimate Truth and meditation is one of the ways to seek it.

When the veils of Maya are uncovered what remains in Pure Love !!!

Jai Gurudev!


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