Bhagwad Geeta Chapter 14 @Three Gunas by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravishankar
Bhagavad Gita - Chapter14 - Day 1
Nobody wants to take any knowledge without a fruit. If I do this, will I get something? By gaining this knowledge what are the benefits I can get? You become a doctor, an engineer, an architect, because you can work after that. What's the reason for gaining this knowledge? You'll become skilled in everything Arjun. You will not get agitated by anything. Neither the worst calamity nor even if the heavens fall at your feet, you will be unagitated.
Arjun had this fear, "what will people say?" He was worried about his status. When someone gets out of his sorrow, and when he showed his Vishwaroop to Arjun and said, why should anyhting cause you sorrow? I'm the creator and destroyer.
After showing the Vishwaroop, he took him into Bhakti Yog. Arjun was scared at seeing this form of his friend. He fell at his feet and said please show me your normal form. That's when Bhakti sprung up
Now he says, look at who is this who's in Bhakti? Then he takes him to Kshetra Kshetragna Yog
Take the support of this knowledge and come close to me. Then nothing can take away the smile from your face.
I'm the Prana that you see in everything. I have 8 types of prakriti. This is my Maya. I have only created it, and only through my Grace, you'll be able to cross over them. But whatever you see as different, it's all me. If you see this for even one second, you will not be agitated by any situation.
A scientist came here. He brought a model. He joined 3 balls together, and said because it's three, it'll keep moving forever. It's called a chaos pendulum. It will go on infinitely. Because it's 3.
Even in prakriti, there's 3 gunas. What scientists are saying today, it's been said in the Gita so long ago. Even in Nyaya Darshan.
If there weren't 3 gunas, it wouldn't go on. And these are Sattva, Rajas, Tamas.
What's the nature of these gunas? We'll see that. These 3 gunas have bound the free soul
In traffic also there's 3 lights. The current that's running the 3 of them is the same. But when you see red, you stop, when you see yellow you get ready and when you see green, you run.
Similarly, these three gunas are in everyone. Different things appear in people at different times.
Anagha- is a beautiful word. Agha is sin. anagha is free from sin. What is sin? Any negative emotion that gets stuck in our heart is agha. If you have any hatred in your heart, it hurts you. It's worse than cancer to keep hatred in your heart. Ghatak has come from this. Anagha means he who does not have any hatred towards anyone.
Ghori came so many times, fought wars. But just as he came to our kings and asked for forgiveness, he was forgiven. We have such a tradition. To not harbour hatred towards anyone.
When Sattva dominates, you feel pure. You'll experience comfort. When you experience real comfort- not the temporary comfrot from drinking alcohol- the clarity of thought- these happen when Sattva dominates.
Sometimes you feel happy when your enemy suffers. This happiness has vikaara in it. This is not Sattva. If someone is sad, and crying, then you get happiness- this is not comfort. Sattvis comfort is that which doesn't have any vikaara. That is the meaning of anaamaya. Sattva binds you to comfort and knowledge.
When you feel a taste for knowledge and comfort that's devoid of vikaara, then know that Sattva is dominating.
Alasya, Pramada and Nidra. Pramada is doing something despite knowing that you should not be doing it. Nidra is being sleepy all the time. These are the qualities of Tamas. Tamas binds you to these 3.
But Tamas is in you. Without it, you'll not be able to sleep. As long as you have the body, you need some Tamas. Otherwise the body won't last.
If someone praises you, you may feel like they're taunting you. From your perspective if you feel like everyone is taunting you- staying stuck in this kind of ignorance is the quality of Tamas.
When Rajas dominates, it takes you to indulgence. Food, movies, porn- it drags you into that direction. No matter how much you do, you're not satisfied. Then greed increases. Different kinds of greed- Not just money. For respect as well. We want praise for our work. We want people to think that we are somebodies.
We make an identity for ourselves. That I'm like this. I'm from this family, etc. Taking pride in your identity is a doorway to sorrow.
It gives you sorrow. Rajas binds you to pride, karma when it dominates.
That which we must do, is 'kartavya.'
We must do our duty. When Tamas dominates, we don't do our duty. They don't dress or bathe properly. They do nothing. When Tamas dominates these kind of qualities arise.
Even if they're doing something, they're doing that which they shouldn't be doing.
Know the qualities of these gunas. If we're sad, nobody else is the reason for that. We're the only reason. If Rajas grows, then sorrow starts coming near us. That's why our ancestors said 'May Sattva dominate.'
When Sattva dominates, there will be a little Rajas and a little Tamas.
When we find out about the Gunas, our whole perspective changes. Food affects us. Actions affect us. If a nice person does something wrong, they ask what he's had.
There's an incident. Above Rishikesh, there's this place Narendra Nagar. The king of this place used to let saints come to his palace and eat regularly.
Saints used to come everyday, eat and go
They'd eat in silver plates. One saint took the silver utensil and walked away. The king was surprised when he heard this. 4 days later he came back and returned the utensil. People were more surprised.
The king called the Vidwat Parishad and asked them why did this happen? they asked the king what did you feed him?
The raja found out that dacoits were taking some of their supplies- rice, dal, etc. That was confiscated by the king's soldiers. That rice was used to feed the Saints. The effect of this food lasted for 3 days. Then he went and returned the silver tumbler.
Q.)Gurudev, I'm in sattva. But everyone around me is in Rajas. How do I protect myself?
now you're seeing Rajas in everyone around you. Look deeper in yourself. There must be some Rajas in you as well. What's the guarantee that you're in Sattva? To change from Rajas to Sattva only there is Seva, Sadhana, Satsang. You may find 1000 reasons to stay sad or complain. But if you can rise above all these, you have won. You get compassion. That these people are stuck in Rajas. Our mind shouldn't get agitated. Everyone has their own time.
Q.)Gurudev these kids jump around a lot. Is that because of Rajas?
Kids have all 3 gunas. They sleep well. Tamas. When they're awake theyre happy. Sattva. If theyre sad all the time, then change your food and other habits. Rajas is also there. Rajas and Tamas is needed for the body's growth. For the development of the mind, Sattva is necesary.
The body's weight increases due to sleep. But that much Tamas is needed.
Q.)Gurudev longing is which Guna?
Longing comes under Sattva. If longing comes from Rajas, it takes you in a different direction. But if it is Sattvic, it uplifts your consciousness.
Sandhya is the meeting point of these 3 Gunas. That's where Krishna Consciousness is. when you do Sandhya Vandanam- ayatu varada devi, aksharam brahma sammitam. May this consciousness that is at the meeting point of the 3 gunas bless me.
Will we stay Sattvic all the time? No, you have yo come to Rajas sometimes. You will feel hungry. You will move. You do asanas and pranayam to satisfy Rajas and Tamas. Then in Sattva, meditation happens. Without Sattva meditation is not possible. With meditation, Sattva increases. It's a catch 22 situation!
This is wonderful. you can't blame anyone else. There's no one else. Everything happens because of the Gunas. Mistakes happen when Sattva is not there. When you rise above the 3 gunas, you're a Yogi. That is Krishna consciousness. Then you're free. This is the knowledge of mukti. You should know right, what to get freedom from?
Now you've heard this knowledge right? Now discuss, and contemplate on it.
Serotonin is only produced in the brain when experience real happiness. When you're happy over someone else's troubles, Serotonin is not produced by the brain.
Bhagavad Gita - Chapter 14 - Day2
Yesterday we found out that people in a blind school in Surat, after intuition process many children are reading without Braille and seeing. It just gives a glimpse that the whole world belongs to Him.
While these 3 gunas are in everyone, how do we manage these 3 gunas? We have to see. This is purushartha. The effort to get out of Tamas is Purusharth. The effort to keep Rajas in control is Purusarth. If we must do anyhting in life, we must do this only. We must control Rajas and Tamas. Through food, through thought, keeping our intellect clean.
If we’re negative, we only find people who speak negatively. We don’t like it if someone is speaking positively. We think this municipilaty is not fine. And we become friends with people who only agree with us. Then what happened? Negativity increases. Our negative belief got stronger. We find happiness that what we thought is correct. To think that our delusion is correct, and staying stuck to it, is Tamas and Rajas.
You can find a million reasons to stay negative. But to make the effort to come out of it is Purusharth. You don’t think of yourself as a criminal. This is happening because of your gunas. Wahtever you’ve done all your life is what will happen in the last minute. You must be alert. Be a witness to what’s happening in your mind, in your emotions. Keep watching.
The fruit of Sattva is comfort. Everything in the world wants to experience this. And you can get it only in Sattva. Before doing the karma, look at the state of your mind. Is there more Sattva, more Rajas or Tamas? If you’re in Tamas, the fruit of that aciton will be ignorance. If you’re in Rajas, the fruit of it is sorrow. You’re the reason for the sorrow you experience. If you have Sattva, the perception will change. Not the situation.
I’ll give you an example. Someone wants to come in from the Ganga chain. Outside the chain, there’s restlessness. Someone wants to get in. The secretary declines them. Then what happens? Anger. They didn’t let go in. They let them go in! In Sattva, you’ll have the faith that your time will come. In Rajas, you’ll throw insults at whoever has stopped you from going. In Sattva, you’ll accept and say, who knows if Guruji is even there inside?
We got down. We went in a vehicle. In many people’s lives that day, at least 6-7 incidents happened that day in which so many people’s desires got fulfilled. All because of the helicopter having to stop.
In Sattvic consciousness, we have strength. If there’s an enemy, we can change their mind. You’ll understand that someone is sad, that’s why he’s behaving that way.
In Sattva, you’re always victorious. Rajas gives you the hope of comfort, but doesnt give you any. We get defeated because of greed. If someone says I’ll double your money in two months. And you’ll go put your money. That person will disappear in two months. There are so many people who got trapped in such schemes.
This is Rajas. Rajas keeps coming up over and over again in life. It happens because of association as well. The company that can grow your Sattva is very rare. The whole world is there to increase your Rajas. All kinds of people will create greed in you.
We have to bring a balance. Tamas binds you in ‘Moh.’ Moh is that which creates sorrow whether it is there or not there. Tamas binds you to that. In life these things keeps happening. But if you have a Guru or you’re in surrender, then you find a way to rise above these three Gunas. The path to do so becomes clear.
In Tamas, ignorance grows. You’ll keep strengthening your negative beliefs. And situations will also arise to make you believe that you’re right. Sattva is delicate. Tamas holds on to you very strongly. The influence of Tamas is like a stone. The influence iof Sattva is like the wind. The mind And body become heavy. The mind becomes stiff.
For Sattva shuddhi, there’s Shoucha. When the intellect is pure, it’s said to be Sattvic. Sattva shuddhi, Soumanasya, Chittekagratha, Indriyajayatva, Atma darshan Yogyatvani- happen because of Sattva.
You get the eligibility to see your Self because of Sattva. The one who’s in Rajas, gets stuck in the middle. The one who’s in Tamas keeps falling. It sometimes appears that you’re rising in Tamas. But it’s taking you up, only to drag you down. For greater wounds, you have to climb a lot, and then fall. When you see someone in Tamas, appearing to rise, don’t get agitated. Keep your patience for a few days. Sew how he falls from there. This is certain.
Now don’t get into craving for Sattva. And take pride in being Sattvic. I’m Sattvic, you’re all Tamasic. That pride itself will take you from Sattva to Rajas/ Tamas. The pride of Sattva will take you away from it. It’s a very difficult situation. Many people are sad because thye’ve done a lot of good. I’ve done this much work, this much seva, I haven’t gotten anything.
You’re becoming sad because of your sacrifice? People become sad thinking about what they haven’t gotten.
“I’ve put 12 years of my life in seva. What have I gotten?”
They’ve asked me what do you get out of doing this? By sacrificing, we’ve gotten happiness. But by thinking about what you’ve not gotten, you get into Rajas/ Tamas.
Rajas and Tamas are waiting to hold on to you. And if you take pride in your Sattva, you become a sacrificial goat. “I’m so good. I have so many talents. You don’t look at me.” *All this is dragging you from Sattva to Rajas. This is the way to sorrow.
Just know that everything that’s happening is because of this. Become a witness. The moment you do that, you become one with me.
People who are lying intoxicated, they’re all in Tamas. Early morning, there’s Sattva. In seasons, in days, the gunas become apparent. If your husband is angry, just know that his Rajas has increased. Similarly with your wife. When you see that all actions are a result of Gunas, you will not see any fault in people. Can you hate Gunas? Do you ask a chilli why it’s so spicy?
When you see all behaviour as the result of Gunas, your life will be full of light. That light is me. And by being a witness, you’ll come close to me.
The witness of all these Gunas, doesn’t feel like he’s grown old. Everyone feels this way sometimes. Nobody thinks they’re going to die. When you become a witness, it becomes clear. The body may end
But I won’t. This strength will come. Whatever happens, is seen as a doing of the Gunas. It’s very practical. You’ll always keep smiling. Nobody can insult you. If someone is insulting you, you’ll see that it’s his Rajas, Tamas. His Rajas and Tamas is making him dance. And if your Sattva is powerful, then you can change others as well.
You keep strong faith in the fact that everything is a consequence of Gunas. Even if someone is a dacoit and in prison, when he gets to listen to Satsang, see how his behaviour changes. In Denmark, some of the worst criminals were put in a special jail. When they got to do Kriya, meditation, pranayam- these people who are ten times my size, have tattos all over the body- they became innocent like babies.
These are people who don’t even remember the number of people they killed. This is possible by change in the Gunas. When you taunt someone, that’s Rajas. In Sattva, even if someone makes fun of you, you’ll transform it. Humour is a quality of Sattva. You become dear to everyone when your Sattva grows.
How do we know we’ve risen above these three gunas? What are the qualities of someone who’s transcended the Gunas?
Someone told me, I keep getting bad thoughts. I become agitated by it. I do so much sadhana, but these thoughts don’t go awya. I said, when they come, hug them tight. See where they’ll go. He said, how can I hug them?
Our psychology is this way. That which we fear, takes control over us.
Bhagavad Gita Chapter 14 Day 3
Even comfort agitates a person. It’s not that only sorrow agitates a person. Someone hears, that any comfort is followed by some sorrow. What has this led to? Fear even in the few moments of comfort. That he will have to face sorrow sometime later. But a gyaani, doesn’t have this fear.
A woman was asking me, Gurudev, my husband passed away. People are asking me not to participate in any celebrations for a year. I’m not in sorrow. I don’t feel like I should stay sad. He lived a full life and went. Am I doing something wrong?
If you don’t feel sad, you don’t have to forcefully be that way. People are worried, what will people think of me if I laugh? I told her, forget about people. You laugh, you celebrate.
Social fear is there. Then we have our own fear. There’s craving and aversion. Then there’s fear. There’s no need to forcefully stay sad.
We are a witness to both comfort and sorrow. We are stuck in either blaming ourselves or others. Blaming yourself and others is equally wrong. It’s difficult to stay in between.
Don’t become agitated by the Gunas. Their influence doesn’t last long. Sattva won’t last through your life. You have to make an effort for that. Gunas come and act according to their nature. Then do we not have to hold on to Sattva?
Yes and no. First, hold on to Sattva. Then, don’t keep holding on to Sattva. How? There’s a lot of dirt. Apply soap. But keep the soap on. But if we have to wash away the soap, then why do we have to apply the soap in the first place? *Don’t use Logic. Just apply.
This logic doesn’t apply here. *First hold on to Sattva, then let go. It’ll create a lot of change. *
Suppose you die today. All your jewellery is lying on one side. After your death, they’ll remove everything you’ve had on your body and will be kept aside. Then your body will be burned. Then will you care about the difference between gold and stone?
After demonetisation, what happened to the 500 note? Look at this perspective- your body itself is going to burn, then the jewellery, clothes- what is their value? Aren’t they equal to dirt? Only remembrance of death itself will take you to this state of equanimity. After Vajpayee ji’s passing, the same people who were cursing him began to praise him. Similarly in life, people who insult you now when you’re alive, will offer prayers after your death.
What’s a blame? And what’s a prayer? When we hear blame, we get agitated. We are agitated by what? Words! We are not agitated by a stick! Our mind is so weak. This world is a play of words. You get agitated by words.
You say, I don’t want my name to get spoiled, that’s why I’m doing this. You must be skillful in life. But the fear in your life- you become agitated- you must rise above this. Enough is enough. Stand up. Tell them, give me as much blame/ insults as you want. I cand stand it. Sorrow is caused more because of our own selves.
Sorrow gives us depth. A person who has never seen sorrow, they’re shallow. Even if sorrow has happened in some other life, you take birth with that depth. Where there’s love, there’s hurt. Sorrow, because of that hurt. We want to run away from it. We hate only because we think because of them you’ve lost something. We’ve based our existence on others’ perceptions. What is the other person thinking of us?
But a yogi doesn’t do that.
Sometimes we get sorrow, because of our friends. We sit with friends whose boats have holes, and will sink. Sometimes even enemies rescue us, and take us to the shore.
If you’ve studied Life, then you’ve studied the Gita.
Those who praise you, will praise you. Those who blame you, are showing you your weakness. They’re cleaning your courtyard without any soap and water. It’s not that you should listen to blames and insults all day long. Your mind shouldn’t be agitated. Don’t crave for blames and insults. This is a distorted mind.
When I went to America for the first time, I saw ads in a newspaper. They look for people who will beat them everyday!
We get requests, Gurudev bless me with a boy who is rich, intelligent and do what I say!
Some people look for people who blame them! They get fun out of it. We derive joy out of being a victim as well.
Our existence in based on this belief that we’re a victim. This is a distorted mind. We get joy out of this belief.
*Get out of this mental weakness. That’s what Krishna is saying here. You transcend Gunas when you can treat your friend and enemy equally. Both of them are helping you. You need a pair of scissors and needle to sew something. You have to cut somewhere, you have to sew somewhere. Those who cut are your enemies. Those who sew are you friends. Both of them together have made your life.
Perhaps nobody in this world has gotten as much opposition as Modi. When he was the CM, he had no expectation that he would become the PM. Not just in India, everywhere! He was denied a visa by the US. He was insulted everyday. But now people are looking at India differently. I’m not saying he’s perfect
He has weaknesses. But despite all that, how many enemies he had! He rose above them all. People are speaking about him all over the world. Even more than they spoke about Nehru, Indira!
Don’t get scared. Some people insult you hear and there. Don’t fear it. It doesn’t mean that you listen to it all day. But don’t fear it. There are rules in society. You must follow them. Even if you drink milk, don’t sit in front of a liquor shop and drink milk. People will think you’re an alcoholic. That’s why, move in life taking social norms into consideration.
You do one small thing, then you say ‘I did this’ ten times. It’s gone. Don’t take pride in what you did. It was because of Grace, some good thing happened through you. Become grateful. “I’ve built this factory! See” You’re gone!
A poem that has come out of you is Grace. You sit and the poem flows out of you. YOu haven’t made any effort for that. Even if you sit down to make an effort for something, the strength to make that effort is Grace. Krishna says, I’m the strength in the strong ones. I’m the intelligence in the intelligent. I’m the beauty in the beautiful. Don’t wander here and there. Stay with me.
If you’ve transcended the gunas, you’ve become free.
When I talk to you, there’s a relation between you and me. The ‘Brahman’ seems like a distant thing. But it’s here, in you. In me.
The word ‘ghan’ is very deep. We call the paramatma, ‘satchidananda ghan.’ In air, there’s humidity. But only when it’s saturated, then it rains. Paramatma is he who is saturated with satchidananda.
Until now Arjun considered Krishna as a friend. In Bhagavad Gita, Krishna showed Arjun the form of the Guru during the Gita.
The word ‘ghan’ is very deep. We call the paramatma, ‘satchidananda ghan.’ In air, there’s humidity. But only when it’s saturated, then it rains. Paramatma is he who is saturated with satchidananda.
Until now Arjun considered Krishna as a friend. In Bhagavad Gita, Krishna showed Arjun the form of the Guru during the Gita.
That Brahman consciousness in which saints sit established, enjoying that bliss every moment, I’m the source of that Parabrahman.
The sadhak who has gained knowledge and still remains sad, this is called ‘Pramaada.’ We should stay away from such people. The Bhagavad Gita is such knowledge that will give you eternal comfort. What living being in this world doesn’t want comfort?
Such depth, and such practicality of wisdom- we don’t see it elsewhere. This is great fortune.
Nobody wants to take any knowledge without a fruit. If I do this, will I get something? By gaining this knowledge what are the benefits I can get? You become a doctor, an engineer, an architect, because you can work after that. What's the reason for gaining this knowledge? You'll become skilled in everything Arjun. You will not get agitated by anything. Neither the worst calamity nor even if the heavens fall at your feet, you will be unagitated.
Arjun had this fear, "what will people say?" He was worried about his status. When someone gets out of his sorrow, and when he showed his Vishwaroop to Arjun and said, why should anyhting cause you sorrow? I'm the creator and destroyer.
After showing the Vishwaroop, he took him into Bhakti Yog. Arjun was scared at seeing this form of his friend. He fell at his feet and said please show me your normal form. That's when Bhakti sprung up
Now he says, look at who is this who's in Bhakti? Then he takes him to Kshetra Kshetragna Yog
Take the support of this knowledge and come close to me. Then nothing can take away the smile from your face.
I'm the Prana that you see in everything. I have 8 types of prakriti. This is my Maya. I have only created it, and only through my Grace, you'll be able to cross over them. But whatever you see as different, it's all me. If you see this for even one second, you will not be agitated by any situation.
A scientist came here. He brought a model. He joined 3 balls together, and said because it's three, it'll keep moving forever. It's called a chaos pendulum. It will go on infinitely. Because it's 3.
Even in prakriti, there's 3 gunas. What scientists are saying today, it's been said in the Gita so long ago. Even in Nyaya Darshan.
If there weren't 3 gunas, it wouldn't go on. And these are Sattva, Rajas, Tamas.
What's the nature of these gunas? We'll see that. These 3 gunas have bound the free soul
In traffic also there's 3 lights. The current that's running the 3 of them is the same. But when you see red, you stop, when you see yellow you get ready and when you see green, you run.
Similarly, these three gunas are in everyone. Different things appear in people at different times.
Anagha- is a beautiful word. Agha is sin. anagha is free from sin. What is sin? Any negative emotion that gets stuck in our heart is agha. If you have any hatred in your heart, it hurts you. It's worse than cancer to keep hatred in your heart. Ghatak has come from this. Anagha means he who does not have any hatred towards anyone.
Ghori came so many times, fought wars. But just as he came to our kings and asked for forgiveness, he was forgiven. We have such a tradition. To not harbour hatred towards anyone.
When Sattva dominates, you feel pure. You'll experience comfort. When you experience real comfort- not the temporary comfrot from drinking alcohol- the clarity of thought- these happen when Sattva dominates.
Sometimes you feel happy when your enemy suffers. This happiness has vikaara in it. This is not Sattva. If someone is sad, and crying, then you get happiness- this is not comfort. Sattvis comfort is that which doesn't have any vikaara. That is the meaning of anaamaya. Sattva binds you to comfort and knowledge.
When you feel a taste for knowledge and comfort that's devoid of vikaara, then know that Sattva is dominating.
Alasya, Pramada and Nidra. Pramada is doing something despite knowing that you should not be doing it. Nidra is being sleepy all the time. These are the qualities of Tamas. Tamas binds you to these 3.
But Tamas is in you. Without it, you'll not be able to sleep. As long as you have the body, you need some Tamas. Otherwise the body won't last.
If someone praises you, you may feel like they're taunting you. From your perspective if you feel like everyone is taunting you- staying stuck in this kind of ignorance is the quality of Tamas.
When Rajas dominates, it takes you to indulgence. Food, movies, porn- it drags you into that direction. No matter how much you do, you're not satisfied. Then greed increases. Different kinds of greed- Not just money. For respect as well. We want praise for our work. We want people to think that we are somebodies.
We make an identity for ourselves. That I'm like this. I'm from this family, etc. Taking pride in your identity is a doorway to sorrow.
It gives you sorrow. Rajas binds you to pride, karma when it dominates.
That which we must do, is 'kartavya.'
We must do our duty. When Tamas dominates, we don't do our duty. They don't dress or bathe properly. They do nothing. When Tamas dominates these kind of qualities arise.
Even if they're doing something, they're doing that which they shouldn't be doing.
Know the qualities of these gunas. If we're sad, nobody else is the reason for that. We're the only reason. If Rajas grows, then sorrow starts coming near us. That's why our ancestors said 'May Sattva dominate.'
When Sattva dominates, there will be a little Rajas and a little Tamas.
When we find out about the Gunas, our whole perspective changes. Food affects us. Actions affect us. If a nice person does something wrong, they ask what he's had.
There's an incident. Above Rishikesh, there's this place Narendra Nagar. The king of this place used to let saints come to his palace and eat regularly.
Saints used to come everyday, eat and go
They'd eat in silver plates. One saint took the silver utensil and walked away. The king was surprised when he heard this. 4 days later he came back and returned the utensil. People were more surprised.
The king called the Vidwat Parishad and asked them why did this happen? they asked the king what did you feed him?
The raja found out that dacoits were taking some of their supplies- rice, dal, etc. That was confiscated by the king's soldiers. That rice was used to feed the Saints. The effect of this food lasted for 3 days. Then he went and returned the silver tumbler.
Q.)Gurudev, I'm in sattva. But everyone around me is in Rajas. How do I protect myself?
now you're seeing Rajas in everyone around you. Look deeper in yourself. There must be some Rajas in you as well. What's the guarantee that you're in Sattva? To change from Rajas to Sattva only there is Seva, Sadhana, Satsang. You may find 1000 reasons to stay sad or complain. But if you can rise above all these, you have won. You get compassion. That these people are stuck in Rajas. Our mind shouldn't get agitated. Everyone has their own time.
Q.)Gurudev these kids jump around a lot. Is that because of Rajas?
Kids have all 3 gunas. They sleep well. Tamas. When they're awake theyre happy. Sattva. If theyre sad all the time, then change your food and other habits. Rajas is also there. Rajas and Tamas is needed for the body's growth. For the development of the mind, Sattva is necesary.
The body's weight increases due to sleep. But that much Tamas is needed.
Q.)Gurudev longing is which Guna?
Longing comes under Sattva. If longing comes from Rajas, it takes you in a different direction. But if it is Sattvic, it uplifts your consciousness.
Sandhya is the meeting point of these 3 Gunas. That's where Krishna Consciousness is. when you do Sandhya Vandanam- ayatu varada devi, aksharam brahma sammitam. May this consciousness that is at the meeting point of the 3 gunas bless me.
Will we stay Sattvic all the time? No, you have yo come to Rajas sometimes. You will feel hungry. You will move. You do asanas and pranayam to satisfy Rajas and Tamas. Then in Sattva, meditation happens. Without Sattva meditation is not possible. With meditation, Sattva increases. It's a catch 22 situation!
This is wonderful. you can't blame anyone else. There's no one else. Everything happens because of the Gunas. Mistakes happen when Sattva is not there. When you rise above the 3 gunas, you're a Yogi. That is Krishna consciousness. Then you're free. This is the knowledge of mukti. You should know right, what to get freedom from?
Now you've heard this knowledge right? Now discuss, and contemplate on it.
Serotonin is only produced in the brain when experience real happiness. When you're happy over someone else's troubles, Serotonin is not produced by the brain.
Bhagavad Gita - Chapter 14 - Day2
Yesterday we found out that people in a blind school in Surat, after intuition process many children are reading without Braille and seeing. It just gives a glimpse that the whole world belongs to Him.
While these 3 gunas are in everyone, how do we manage these 3 gunas? We have to see. This is purushartha. The effort to get out of Tamas is Purusharth. The effort to keep Rajas in control is Purusarth. If we must do anyhting in life, we must do this only. We must control Rajas and Tamas. Through food, through thought, keeping our intellect clean.
If we’re negative, we only find people who speak negatively. We don’t like it if someone is speaking positively. We think this municipilaty is not fine. And we become friends with people who only agree with us. Then what happened? Negativity increases. Our negative belief got stronger. We find happiness that what we thought is correct. To think that our delusion is correct, and staying stuck to it, is Tamas and Rajas.
You can find a million reasons to stay negative. But to make the effort to come out of it is Purusharth. You don’t think of yourself as a criminal. This is happening because of your gunas. Wahtever you’ve done all your life is what will happen in the last minute. You must be alert. Be a witness to what’s happening in your mind, in your emotions. Keep watching.
The fruit of Sattva is comfort. Everything in the world wants to experience this. And you can get it only in Sattva. Before doing the karma, look at the state of your mind. Is there more Sattva, more Rajas or Tamas? If you’re in Tamas, the fruit of that aciton will be ignorance. If you’re in Rajas, the fruit of it is sorrow. You’re the reason for the sorrow you experience. If you have Sattva, the perception will change. Not the situation.
I’ll give you an example. Someone wants to come in from the Ganga chain. Outside the chain, there’s restlessness. Someone wants to get in. The secretary declines them. Then what happens? Anger. They didn’t let go in. They let them go in! In Sattva, you’ll have the faith that your time will come. In Rajas, you’ll throw insults at whoever has stopped you from going. In Sattva, you’ll accept and say, who knows if Guruji is even there inside?
We got down. We went in a vehicle. In many people’s lives that day, at least 6-7 incidents happened that day in which so many people’s desires got fulfilled. All because of the helicopter having to stop.
In Sattvic consciousness, we have strength. If there’s an enemy, we can change their mind. You’ll understand that someone is sad, that’s why he’s behaving that way.
In Sattva, you’re always victorious. Rajas gives you the hope of comfort, but doesnt give you any. We get defeated because of greed. If someone says I’ll double your money in two months. And you’ll go put your money. That person will disappear in two months. There are so many people who got trapped in such schemes.
This is Rajas. Rajas keeps coming up over and over again in life. It happens because of association as well. The company that can grow your Sattva is very rare. The whole world is there to increase your Rajas. All kinds of people will create greed in you.
We have to bring a balance. Tamas binds you in ‘Moh.’ Moh is that which creates sorrow whether it is there or not there. Tamas binds you to that. In life these things keeps happening. But if you have a Guru or you’re in surrender, then you find a way to rise above these three Gunas. The path to do so becomes clear.
In Tamas, ignorance grows. You’ll keep strengthening your negative beliefs. And situations will also arise to make you believe that you’re right. Sattva is delicate. Tamas holds on to you very strongly. The influence of Tamas is like a stone. The influence iof Sattva is like the wind. The mind And body become heavy. The mind becomes stiff.
For Sattva shuddhi, there’s Shoucha. When the intellect is pure, it’s said to be Sattvic. Sattva shuddhi, Soumanasya, Chittekagratha, Indriyajayatva, Atma darshan Yogyatvani- happen because of Sattva.
You get the eligibility to see your Self because of Sattva. The one who’s in Rajas, gets stuck in the middle. The one who’s in Tamas keeps falling. It sometimes appears that you’re rising in Tamas. But it’s taking you up, only to drag you down. For greater wounds, you have to climb a lot, and then fall. When you see someone in Tamas, appearing to rise, don’t get agitated. Keep your patience for a few days. Sew how he falls from there. This is certain.
Now don’t get into craving for Sattva. And take pride in being Sattvic. I’m Sattvic, you’re all Tamasic. That pride itself will take you from Sattva to Rajas/ Tamas. The pride of Sattva will take you away from it. It’s a very difficult situation. Many people are sad because thye’ve done a lot of good. I’ve done this much work, this much seva, I haven’t gotten anything.
You’re becoming sad because of your sacrifice? People become sad thinking about what they haven’t gotten.
“I’ve put 12 years of my life in seva. What have I gotten?”
They’ve asked me what do you get out of doing this? By sacrificing, we’ve gotten happiness. But by thinking about what you’ve not gotten, you get into Rajas/ Tamas.
Rajas and Tamas are waiting to hold on to you. And if you take pride in your Sattva, you become a sacrificial goat. “I’m so good. I have so many talents. You don’t look at me.” *All this is dragging you from Sattva to Rajas. This is the way to sorrow.
Just know that everything that’s happening is because of this. Become a witness. The moment you do that, you become one with me.
People who are lying intoxicated, they’re all in Tamas. Early morning, there’s Sattva. In seasons, in days, the gunas become apparent. If your husband is angry, just know that his Rajas has increased. Similarly with your wife. When you see that all actions are a result of Gunas, you will not see any fault in people. Can you hate Gunas? Do you ask a chilli why it’s so spicy?
When you see all behaviour as the result of Gunas, your life will be full of light. That light is me. And by being a witness, you’ll come close to me.
The witness of all these Gunas, doesn’t feel like he’s grown old. Everyone feels this way sometimes. Nobody thinks they’re going to die. When you become a witness, it becomes clear. The body may end
But I won’t. This strength will come. Whatever happens, is seen as a doing of the Gunas. It’s very practical. You’ll always keep smiling. Nobody can insult you. If someone is insulting you, you’ll see that it’s his Rajas, Tamas. His Rajas and Tamas is making him dance. And if your Sattva is powerful, then you can change others as well.
You keep strong faith in the fact that everything is a consequence of Gunas. Even if someone is a dacoit and in prison, when he gets to listen to Satsang, see how his behaviour changes. In Denmark, some of the worst criminals were put in a special jail. When they got to do Kriya, meditation, pranayam- these people who are ten times my size, have tattos all over the body- they became innocent like babies.
These are people who don’t even remember the number of people they killed. This is possible by change in the Gunas. When you taunt someone, that’s Rajas. In Sattva, even if someone makes fun of you, you’ll transform it. Humour is a quality of Sattva. You become dear to everyone when your Sattva grows.
How do we know we’ve risen above these three gunas? What are the qualities of someone who’s transcended the Gunas?
Someone told me, I keep getting bad thoughts. I become agitated by it. I do so much sadhana, but these thoughts don’t go awya. I said, when they come, hug them tight. See where they’ll go. He said, how can I hug them?
Our psychology is this way. That which we fear, takes control over us.
Bhagavad Gita Chapter 14 Day 3
Even comfort agitates a person. It’s not that only sorrow agitates a person. Someone hears, that any comfort is followed by some sorrow. What has this led to? Fear even in the few moments of comfort. That he will have to face sorrow sometime later. But a gyaani, doesn’t have this fear.
A woman was asking me, Gurudev, my husband passed away. People are asking me not to participate in any celebrations for a year. I’m not in sorrow. I don’t feel like I should stay sad. He lived a full life and went. Am I doing something wrong?
If you don’t feel sad, you don’t have to forcefully be that way. People are worried, what will people think of me if I laugh? I told her, forget about people. You laugh, you celebrate.
Social fear is there. Then we have our own fear. There’s craving and aversion. Then there’s fear. There’s no need to forcefully stay sad.
We are a witness to both comfort and sorrow. We are stuck in either blaming ourselves or others. Blaming yourself and others is equally wrong. It’s difficult to stay in between.
Don’t become agitated by the Gunas. Their influence doesn’t last long. Sattva won’t last through your life. You have to make an effort for that. Gunas come and act according to their nature. Then do we not have to hold on to Sattva?
Yes and no. First, hold on to Sattva. Then, don’t keep holding on to Sattva. How? There’s a lot of dirt. Apply soap. But keep the soap on. But if we have to wash away the soap, then why do we have to apply the soap in the first place? *Don’t use Logic. Just apply.
This logic doesn’t apply here. *First hold on to Sattva, then let go. It’ll create a lot of change. *
Suppose you die today. All your jewellery is lying on one side. After your death, they’ll remove everything you’ve had on your body and will be kept aside. Then your body will be burned. Then will you care about the difference between gold and stone?
After demonetisation, what happened to the 500 note? Look at this perspective- your body itself is going to burn, then the jewellery, clothes- what is their value? Aren’t they equal to dirt? Only remembrance of death itself will take you to this state of equanimity. After Vajpayee ji’s passing, the same people who were cursing him began to praise him. Similarly in life, people who insult you now when you’re alive, will offer prayers after your death.
What’s a blame? And what’s a prayer? When we hear blame, we get agitated. We are agitated by what? Words! We are not agitated by a stick! Our mind is so weak. This world is a play of words. You get agitated by words.
You say, I don’t want my name to get spoiled, that’s why I’m doing this. You must be skillful in life. But the fear in your life- you become agitated- you must rise above this. Enough is enough. Stand up. Tell them, give me as much blame/ insults as you want. I cand stand it. Sorrow is caused more because of our own selves.
Sorrow gives us depth. A person who has never seen sorrow, they’re shallow. Even if sorrow has happened in some other life, you take birth with that depth. Where there’s love, there’s hurt. Sorrow, because of that hurt. We want to run away from it. We hate only because we think because of them you’ve lost something. We’ve based our existence on others’ perceptions. What is the other person thinking of us?
But a yogi doesn’t do that.
Sometimes we get sorrow, because of our friends. We sit with friends whose boats have holes, and will sink. Sometimes even enemies rescue us, and take us to the shore.
If you’ve studied Life, then you’ve studied the Gita.
Those who praise you, will praise you. Those who blame you, are showing you your weakness. They’re cleaning your courtyard without any soap and water. It’s not that you should listen to blames and insults all day long. Your mind shouldn’t be agitated. Don’t crave for blames and insults. This is a distorted mind.
When I went to America for the first time, I saw ads in a newspaper. They look for people who will beat them everyday!
We get requests, Gurudev bless me with a boy who is rich, intelligent and do what I say!
Some people look for people who blame them! They get fun out of it. We derive joy out of being a victim as well.
Our existence in based on this belief that we’re a victim. This is a distorted mind. We get joy out of this belief.
*Get out of this mental weakness. That’s what Krishna is saying here. You transcend Gunas when you can treat your friend and enemy equally. Both of them are helping you. You need a pair of scissors and needle to sew something. You have to cut somewhere, you have to sew somewhere. Those who cut are your enemies. Those who sew are you friends. Both of them together have made your life.
Perhaps nobody in this world has gotten as much opposition as Modi. When he was the CM, he had no expectation that he would become the PM. Not just in India, everywhere! He was denied a visa by the US. He was insulted everyday. But now people are looking at India differently. I’m not saying he’s perfect
He has weaknesses. But despite all that, how many enemies he had! He rose above them all. People are speaking about him all over the world. Even more than they spoke about Nehru, Indira!
Don’t get scared. Some people insult you hear and there. Don’t fear it. It doesn’t mean that you listen to it all day. But don’t fear it. There are rules in society. You must follow them. Even if you drink milk, don’t sit in front of a liquor shop and drink milk. People will think you’re an alcoholic. That’s why, move in life taking social norms into consideration.
You do one small thing, then you say ‘I did this’ ten times. It’s gone. Don’t take pride in what you did. It was because of Grace, some good thing happened through you. Become grateful. “I’ve built this factory! See” You’re gone!
A poem that has come out of you is Grace. You sit and the poem flows out of you. YOu haven’t made any effort for that. Even if you sit down to make an effort for something, the strength to make that effort is Grace. Krishna says, I’m the strength in the strong ones. I’m the intelligence in the intelligent. I’m the beauty in the beautiful. Don’t wander here and there. Stay with me.
If you’ve transcended the gunas, you’ve become free.
When I talk to you, there’s a relation between you and me. The ‘Brahman’ seems like a distant thing. But it’s here, in you. In me.
The word ‘ghan’ is very deep. We call the paramatma, ‘satchidananda ghan.’ In air, there’s humidity. But only when it’s saturated, then it rains. Paramatma is he who is saturated with satchidananda.
Until now Arjun considered Krishna as a friend. In Bhagavad Gita, Krishna showed Arjun the form of the Guru during the Gita.
The word ‘ghan’ is very deep. We call the paramatma, ‘satchidananda ghan.’ In air, there’s humidity. But only when it’s saturated, then it rains. Paramatma is he who is saturated with satchidananda.
Until now Arjun considered Krishna as a friend. In Bhagavad Gita, Krishna showed Arjun the form of the Guru during the Gita.
That Brahman consciousness in which saints sit established, enjoying that bliss every moment, I’m the source of that Parabrahman.
The sadhak who has gained knowledge and still remains sad, this is called ‘Pramaada.’ We should stay away from such people. The Bhagavad Gita is such knowledge that will give you eternal comfort. What living being in this world doesn’t want comfort?
Such depth, and such practicality of wisdom- we don’t see it elsewhere. This is great fortune.