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Gita 10th Chapter By Guruji Sri Sri Ravishankarji
17 August: Transcript
Today we will take up Vibhuti Yoga - the 10th chapter What is vibhuti? Often the ash that we give is called vibhuti. Abundance or wealth is vibhuti. Everybody desires abundance. That abundance which never leaves you is vibhuti. Lord Krishna talks about vibhuti yoga after the ninth chapter. Shri Krishna is playing the role of a Guru. He is standing as Arjun's Guru . To a disciple who is weeping he does not say you are so low. He just uplifts. He says : You are a maha baho a great warrior. You are mature yet I would like to tell you the highest truth, this will benefit you. First the Lord says you are dear. The Lord finds everybody dear. This feeling He expresses. Because you are dear to me I want to tell you this - What is this world? Nobody knows! You think you know me. Neither Maharishi nor Gods, no one knows me. As soon as the child sees the mother it expreirences love. Love comes first and then comes knowledge. We do not know our origin. Nobody knows my origin, Sri Krishna tells Arjun - for Arjun thinks he knows Krishna. When we acknowledge that we do not know then all our concpets fall apart. God is known or addressed in three persons. To know I am GOd you need to see in all three persons From He to You to Me - this is vibhuti or abundance. Krishna says Buddhi has also come from me, From that consciousness from which everything has sprung up that is what I am. I am not the body - but the consciousness. Ehatever you know of this world it has all come out of me. The intellect - whatever you understand, the apparatus of understanding where has it come from? The baby in the womb - how did it grow. Nine months it grows. After birth too it grows. How does it grow? It came from the consciousness that is why it grows Truth - Even the experience of truth comes because of being with me This is higher knowledge You have the capability of having control of your senses that too has come from me. Whatever you consider as yours - all the qualities that you consider your own have all come from me. Here krishna cuts the ignorance from the roots. On one hand he says surrender to me and this will give freedom. In case you have an ego that I am a great person, very pious etc... then Krishna removes that too. He says whether joy or sorrow all has come from the consciousness. Misery gives depth that doesn't come from joy. There is no one in this world who hasn't been touched by both joy and sorrow. When we experience sorrow then we blame on others. When we think others are the cause of joy it creates attachment. When you consider joy and sorrow has come from me (krishna says) then you become centered on me. Abundance and lack have both come from me. Fearful and brave mind have both come because of me When there is two it creates fear When you consider someone as other it causes fear. Belongingness removes fear That is why all the Gods and Goddesses have one palm raised in abhaya mudra - which says do not fear. Also this ego that I am doing sadhana Iam good all this is also from me. Even if you are doing penance it is inspired by me. If you are doing charity that too has come from me. Fame and infamy have also come from me. The biggest problem is that we want fame and are afraid of infamy. A fearless person is (first of all) not afraid of infamy. Both fame and infamy have come from me. These different feelings have all come from me if you need to listen to the audio translation - please click on the mixlr audio link For some - they have faith but it is shaky. One who knows me in this manner - that everything has come from me - his faith is unshakeable Arjun did not say if you are the cause of everything why did you not give duryodhana a clear mind, you could have stopped the war. Why are you letting this war happen. Arjun is not able to say that. One who are with me like this - I have become their prana. When they talk I speak through them. If somebody is not joyful then thy are really not connected to me When they think I share my life with the Lord. When I am connected to the Lord my happiness is god's happiness. Such people talk about me, are happy and joyful. When you consider that you are part of me then intelligence I give to them. When someone considers themselves as part of me then i bestow the intelligence through which they can attain me. By lighting the lamp of knowledge I remove the darkness of ignorance. you cannot drive away the ignorance . I will not get a light from outside. Actually when the lamp of knowledge within lights up then the ignorance is removed Arjuna tells Krishna - Till now I heard from others.... Rishis, scholars etc.. they said you are brahman. I have heard from others - but now I find you praising yourself. You know yourself by yourself. All the elements run towards you the Lord of the five elements Gurudev explains bhut means pancha bhut the five elements. You are the lord of the world. Arjuna says. You need the vision to recognise the Divine. Arjuna says I want to witness your glory How do I know you- Arjuna asks. Please explain to me in details.
Krishna says I can tell you a little. It is unending. But still I will tell you a little bit about myself. I am the start middle and end of all elements.
For example whatever we do we are in space.
First know that I am your very soul. That which resides in all. I am that soul present in all. Everything is in one space. It seems that space is different when you look from different windows but it is one.
One lit pot with many holes seems many points of light yet the lamp inside the pot is one The sunlight through different windows is one. From here starts the Vibhuti Yoga
Today - know - Whatever is there in this world, it has all come from the One. Knowledge or ignorance has come from that one. Mind that is scattered to bring it together is self knowledge. Bringing the scattered mind together and establishing in the self is knowledge.
The mind runs towards that which is shining which is outstanding. Whenever the mind is attracted to something seeing the Divine there and bringing it back to the center is the way.
Arjun has heard from others about Krishna but today he hears from krishna himself.
When Krishna is speaking it is Nature speaking. It us not a human being talking but the consciousness.
At the end of the war, when Arjuna asks Krishna to repeat the Gita, he says it is not possible. Just moving the body is not yoga.
Joining the scattered mind is yoga That is why shankaracharya says even yoga is a myth - when there is no two what is there to join. Sitting with this, joining with this is yoga.
That is why when you do sadhana the first thing you get is the ability to curse. the ability to bless comes later, that is why sadhak should be careful .Do not utter a curse, do not keep hatred towards anybody.
These are two dimensions - the practical and mundane life and the other is the spiritual.
Just getting stuck in the mundane one feels bogged down. Just sitting in samadhi is also no use - why is the buddhi, eyes etc given? you need to do your duty.
In the battlefield Krishna doesn' t say just kill or fight out of vengeance. Just do your duty without aversion. This is the biggest learning.
Do your duty and while doing craving and aversion arise. That is when realise that they have both come from me.
This is a little higher knowledge. This you have to contemplate over and over
Transcript - 18 August 2014:
This is an abridged version of the talk given by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar on the 10th chapter of Bhagavad Gita at The Art of Living International Center, Bangalore.
This special talk is spread over 3-days from August 17-19, and today is the second day.
Sri Sri: When a person is quiet and happy, they are connected with the subtle. He can understand things in the outside world. When a person is sad, then you need to explain things to them in words. You have to tell them: it is like this, it is like that. Here, Shri Krishna has to tell Arjuna that what I am telling you is for your benefit only. There are two things: speaking for someone's benefit and speaking sweetly because you like the person.
There are many people we meet who will say thing to please us, but it is not necessary that they are your friends. Do not think that they have your benefit at heart.
Also those people who say harsh words, they do not always say them for your good. They might be saying those words to remove their frustration.
Here, a yogi says that I am saying these words keeping your benefit at heart.
You think you know me as Krishna, the prince of Yadavas. You have put me in a box and put a label on me, then you cannot understand my totality.
If you see me in totality, then there will be vibhuti.
My presence is so large and magnificent. Shri Krishna starts explaining.
The ultimate siddhi is advaita siddhi and to attain that you need vibhuti.
When a person attains excellence in any field, we say they are the vibhuti, the best, in this field.
Arjun was sad, he could not understand the subtle.
And he thought that he knew everything.
Shri Krishna wanted him to realize that Arjuna neither knows himself nor Krishna.
Krishna says Arjuna, you are very dear to me and I am saying these things keeping your benefit at heart.
If someone says harsh words, we should analyze with subtlety and see what we can take from these words. How can I benefit myself? All that is available in this world, to attain that you need to become sensitive and sensible; both are needed. Otherwise you will not attain the best.
In the 9th chapter, Shri Krishna says 'Arjuna, you are anasuya: you do not see fault in others.'
Guru should find faults in the student and then work to eliminate those faults.
But we do the opposite. We say teacher is not teaching properly.
Are you interested in studying? If yes, then you can attain knowledge from any where.
Teacher is just an excuse.
Arjuna says, I have heard your praise from others thus far. Today, I am hearing your praise from you.
Lord Krishna says: I will tell you about my vibhutis, My glory.
But it is difficult to explain details.
Can you explain this in detail?
You can say, give me tree in my hand.
A tree will not fit in your palm, but you can hold a seed in your hand and say that you have a tree in your hand.
Krishna has said so many times that I am the seed.
I can tell you the main points because there is no end to My glory.
And there is no end to detailed explanations.
A seed in your palm indicates many many trees. A seed can multiply and become millions of trees.
Similarly, you are limitless. Your origin goes back millions of years - your father, grandfather and so on. You carry the same DNA in you.
That is why in India, we have gothra.
I think, that the word group has come from the word gothra. When a seeker walks on a path, do a practice for a long time, then their DNA also becomes like that.
If you go for Naadi Pareeksha, the doctor can see your Naadi and recognize if you are doing Kriya.
Soul comes first then comes the body. It is because of the soul that the body is growing in the mother's womb. Soul has taken an intention, then it takes a form.
Krishna says: Recognize the truth and when you become one with the truth then you will attain victory.
The cause of sadness is not others, but because we have moved away from the path of truth.
What is truth?
I am.
I am before birth. Only till I am there is the body there. You can sit here only till soul is here.
When someone dies, we say he has become dear to God.
Why have they become dear to God after death?
Why weren't they dear to God when they were alive?
In those times, whenever Krishna was in difficulty, all the Gopis would pray to Narayana.
Now Krishna is saying:
Aditya - is also the name of Sun. Aditi is the mother of all Gods. He says, amongst the Gods I am Narayan.
Amongst the stars, I am moon. Stars do not give light, they only look good.
The Moon looks good and also gives light.
Moon symbolizes love, affection.
Shri Krishna says, I am the sun and the moon.
He says, I am lightening (Marichi - in olden days electro-magnetic field was called Marichi).
Even in electricity, there are different voltages. A different voltage works in US, different in India. If you have to use an appliance from there in India, you need a converter. So, different types of electricity and our ancestors knew these things.
Consciousness awakens in us like a bolt of lightening strikes the ocean. Such is Narayana. Narayan tatva is that which rises in each and every nerve. Among the forms of electricity, I am Marichi, the lightening bolt.
There are four vedas. I am Sama veda in vedas. All the music has risen from Sama veda. It brings devotion and peace. Sama veda does not have any meaning. So, some people discarded it, said it has nothing. But the knowledgeable realize that it is the vibration of the consciousness.
When someone dies, they go into Pitru loka. If someone does meritorious deeds, they go to Dev loka.
If they do bad deedd, then they go into Pret yoni, ghost form.
As long as you are in these five elements, you are in the human form.
After death some people can be in pret yoni for sometime if they have a lot of desires when they die.
That is why we do pind daan. Then from pret they move to pitru.
If you are sad after someone dies, it makes the pret feel assured - At least they are sad that I've gone away. If you start celebrating someone's death, they will feel not feel very happy.
Even after death, people trouble their near and dear ones.
That is called Pitru dosh. Many times when a couple cannot conceive, or someone cannot get a job, they are told, it is due to Pitru dosh.
In Pind daan, we tell the departed, whatever small wish you have, we will fulfill it. Just this feeling is enough.
Read Garud Purana. When you read knowledge, then that peace reaches to the one who is Pret yoni.
They also say read the second chapter of Bhagavad Gita.
When your mind is in knowledge, it reaches the departed in pret yoni and they move into pitru yoni.
After Pitru yoni, comes Gandharva yoni.
All the great singers have Gandharvas behind them.
You will notice that the great singers give joy to others but are unhappy personally.
Then come yakshas, they are wealthy but they do not get joy from their children. One generation might run well but not the next.
They are constantly worried about their kids.
Then comes Kinaras. All the politicians have Kinaras associated with them.
Then comes Devas, in which Krishna says he is Vasu.
Then comes Siddhas.
We have 11 senses: five sense to do action, five senses to gain knowledge and mind. Some say these are the 11 rudras also. One of the meanings of rudra is 'one who makes you cry.' These are the things that make us cry. If one of the senses is not ok, it makes you cry. Even if the senses are not alright, but the mind is, it is still fine. But if the mind is not ok, then there is a problem.
Mind is the most important.
Krishna says among the senses, I am the mind.
Krishna says I am the consciousness in the five elements.
Consciousness is the basis of existence of all elements. This is what is concluded by the scientists or physicists. Many times it is called the energy field.
Here are there are many ganas - groups.
Even if you take blood group - there are so many blood groups: O, A, AB+.
Similarly, when you read Chemistry there is a periodic table. All the things in this world, they have classified into different groups.
The same consciousness appears in fire, water.
In elements, I am the consciousness, which is the basis for all elements.
He talks about 11 rudras (these are different from the ones mentioned earlier): Shankar means that Who does good to everyone. One is Sadyojathah, another Vam deva, There are rudras by many names. The consciousness that does good to everyone, Shankar, Krishna says I am that.
In Yakshas, I am Kubera.
In Yakshas, the best yaksha is considered to be Kubera.
Every city has a yaksha.
Yakshas are not one. Yakshas are not a person they are an energy.
Then he says in purohits, I am Brihaspati, who is the Guru for the Gods.
In Mongolia, the folk songs and folk tales start with 'when Meru was a small mountain and when Ganga was a small lake.'
What is the specialty of Meru mountain?
Uru means bacbone That is why our spine is called Merudand.
Meru is the center and around which every deva is moving.
Sumeru means a shining center, without which nothing can move. The place where all the devtas stay is Meru. Among mountains, I am Meru.
Among warriors and generals, I am Karthikeya.
We think Kartikeya, Krishna are all different.
He says I am Shankar, I am Karthikeya, and I am Vasudev Krishna.
And among Pandavas, I am Arjuna. So He says, "I am you" to Arjuna.
To understand this, we need sensitivity and sensibility.
You need grace.
If someone says, I am you, it does not make sense.
When people are drunk, they cannot see the difference - between their pockets and others' pockets, between bed and pavement, they lie down anywhere.
Drushti badle toh shrushti dikh jaaye.
If you shift your point of view slightly, you can see the whole Universe.
Among letters, I am 'A'. When a child is born, they say AA first.
Say Kha, Gaa without AA.
You will not be able to say it. AA is present in every letter.
He says among letters, I am AA.
I am OM.
If there is a word close to the whole Universe it is OM.
There are different kinds of yagyas.
When you chant Om Namoh Bhagavade Vasudevaya as thousands sit and chant together that is called yagya.
Sitting and chanting alone is not yagya.
Dev pooja, sangatikaran, and daan together form yagya.
Using elements and doing yagya is another type of yagya.
All are required but the best is Japa yagya.
Even is other types of yagyas, Japa is involved. I am there.
In yagyas, I am japa yagya.
10 to 20 people gather and chant for 20 minutes and sing. It is Japa yaggya.
In the mountains, I am Himalaya.
I am Peepul tree amongst the trees. Ashwatha - shw means yeatsreday or tomorrow. Ashwa means that the present. Ashwatha is that which is established in the present, where time stops. It is time that causes yesterday or tomorrow. Going beyond time is Ashwatha.
Even a tree is called Ashwatha why because it gives oxygen for 24 hours.
That is why they used to say, if you have any problems go around the Peepul tree.
In every village, the Panchayat used to sit under the Peepul tree. When you get oxygen then you cannot be depressed.
Those who are depressed, they are low on prana.
When you increase prana, the positivity increases.
To take any decision, they would sit under the Peepul tree.
Neem tree has anti bacterial properties. They used to perform the marriage of Neem and Ashwatha (Peepul) trees.
Amongst Deva rishis, I am Narad. I am Chitrarath amongst Gandharvas. He knew all the ways to sing and play instruments. One person came here who used to play so many instruments and could also sing! Chitrarath means one who can sing songs from all schools like rock, classical, and folk lore.
Among the sages, I am Kapil. Kapila was Lord Krishna's previous incarnation. Before Shri Ram came as avataar, came Kapil muni. Kapil muni gave knowledge to his mother. He said that same thing that Krishna said and gave the knowledge to his mother. Where was he? In Kapilaranya, which is modern day California.
If you go to South American countries, you will see Ganesha and places to do Havan. In Moscow also they could find Ganesha. Like cell phone is there every where, similarly the knowledge of Vedas must have been available everywhere.
Amongst the cows, I am Kamadhenu.
I am Vasuki.
Amongst Pitrus, I am Aryamaan. Th category of Pitrus who have left a very nice life and have no unfulfilled desires, but still they are not free.
Amongst Rakshas, I am Prahlad.
I am time.
I am the present.
There is nothing that purifies us as air does.
Even water purifies our body. But air purifies us every moment.
In Sanskrit, we call air Pavan means that which purifies.
It purifies our blood every moment.
I am air amongst the things that purify.
Amongst those who wield weapons, I am Rama.
We say Raam Baan, which means that which will not miss its target.
I am Ganga amongst the rivers.
I am youth, elderly, and the child. I am seed, plant, and tree. And when the tree dies, I am the wood.
In knowledge, I am spiritual knowledge. There are 64 vidyas that a king needs to know, including the knowledge to steal. Shri Krishna used to steal butter and then lie to his Mother. With stealing, comes lying. If there is a life that expresses knowledge and juiciness, the nectar, it is Krishna's life. How as a child is naughty, yet living the ultimate. He moves with girls, yet he is a Brahmachari. This is unique. Such juicy knowledge you cannot find anywhere else.
Being immersed in meditation. Knowing that I am not the body is spiritual knowledge. So among, all types of knowledge, I am Self knowledge.
There are discussions every where. Today, arguments have become all pervading like God.
If you switch on the TV after 9 PM, you will hear people talking and there is no conclusion.
Earlier, there was no TV. At that time they would have Shastaraarth.
The victory that you attain by discussion, you can lose that victory with the same discussion. I am the decision of the discussion. I am not the discussion. When there is a decision, after that there is no discussion.
A decision is considered only when everyone agrees, such that the person who wins and the person who loses every agrees to the decision.
People want to know the truth that is real discussion.
There are eight kinds of discussions: Nigraha, Stanthak.
Communicating your thought is also an art.
Until and unless the other person agrees with you from the heart, there is no decision. I am that decision.
With discussions, emerges knowledge.
Understand with a sensitive mind.
If you play a raga in front of a deaf person, how can they know which raga it is?
See this is all management technique.
All the political parties need to know this.
Often the leader takes a decision and tries to put it on everyone else, then the party breaks.
Shri Krishna says present your thought process, and if someone has a better idea then take that.
Vitandavaad is when someone yells and does not listen to anyone else.
This does not give rise to truth.
Whatever you have heard, think about it while you are eating. Do not talk to anyone and sit alone for the next 15 minutes.
If what you have heard is going over your head, bring them down.
Go over the points you have heard today. You have heard these points, now go over these points.
19 August 2014, 11:30 AM (IST):Welcome to the live webcast of commentary by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar on the 10th chapter of Bhagavad Gita at The Art of Living International Center, Bangalore.
This special talk is spread over 3-days from August 17-19, and today is the third day.
This is an abridged version of the talk given by Sri Sri. For the entire talk, please listen to the audio translation.
Sri Sri: In Shrimad Bhagavad Gita, Shri Krishna first tells Arjuna about himself. This is what he says in Sankhya Yoga: that you are soul, you cannot be cut by weapons, fire cannot burn you, then why do you cry?
That gave some comfort.
After that, He says I will tell you something about myself.
There is change in the knowledge given. This might sound a little awkward. There is change in our understanding. If you see from this point of view, then there are different knowledge.
The moon is the same, but a hungry person sees the moon and he sees a roti. A lover sees the person he loves. It looks different from a scientist's point of view. When a scientist sees a water fall, he sees how many units of electricity he can produce and how many villages can receive light.
In Vibhuti Yoga, Shri Krishna says that foolish people think that I am the body.
In those many people used to think that he was a cowherd. Only the Maha Rishis redcognized him as a Yogeshwar.
Vasudev meaning the king of Yadus. Shishupal and another person staked claim to be 'real' Vasudev.
Shri Krishna with a resolution for peace three times to Duryodhana.
People ask, how can a work that Krishna undertake not work out?
People used to find used mistakes with Krishna.
Arjuna was not like that. He was called Anasuya.
Krishna is explaining who he is.
In words, I am "AA".
When a poem flows from us, the state of consciousness is different. Even the breath is different and then song flows.
Kabir has written so many dohas. How did he do that? It is a state of consciousness. But Meera never wrote such dohas. Tulsidas's chopai is different.
As everyone's consciousness.
Ragas are associated with time.
We also play different times of music for different occasions.
Like we do not sing songs that make us cry in a marriage.
Similarly, based on the time of the day, there are different ragas.
The film directors know which kind of music to play to being out a particular emotion, such as music to cause fear in horror movies.
I am that time that is always there. Which is that? Present.
The past will never remain. The future too.
You will the present has become past.
The events that happen in the present becomes past, but the present is always there. It is also called Akshya. Which does not end.
I am the one who gives to everyone, but I face on all sides.
One face indicates one thought process. This indicates infinite thought process.
Vishwatoh mukha means the viraat form.
The whole world, mountains, water is also a form of me.
The painters have done something incorrect. They have shown many heads, but everything in this world is him only.
Every hand, every foot.
Whatever you learn, you earn there is one thing that will take it all away is death.
The society can take away your prestige but it cannot take your mind.
Death is one thing that affects everybody poor, rich and takes away all that they have.
I am death too.
All the things (such as tree, plants, kids) that will be born in the future, the cause for that is me too.
If I am not there then nothing can be born.
I am Kirti, memory, speech, intelligence, medha, beauty, the energy to keep life going, compassion, and forgiveness. A female or male, that you get attracted to, is because of these. Shri Krishna says he is all that.
And amongst the people who do wrong deeds (chal), he is doot (peace maker).
If I am not there, you will not be able to see brilliance in the brilliant.
In the intelligent, I am intelligence.
Among the hard working, I am victory.
Among the Pandavas, I am Arjuna. Arjuna is the best among the Pandavas. He was devoted to Shri Krishna. When the war was going to start, Shri Krishna was resting. Duryodhana reached first. He was smart. Shri Krishna was smarter. He acted as he was sleeping.
When it is time for voting, the politicians got everywhere: imams, ashram. Similarly, children go to the temple when exams come.
Yoga brings out the skills in you.
Dealing with people the way they are.
In those days, if someone is sleeping you were not supposed to wake them up.
Duryodhana reached the place where Krishna was resting.
He went and sat near Krishna's head.
When Arjuna came, he sat near Krishna's feet. He was a devotee, anyways.
When a person wakes up, he sees what is close to his feet. He does not turn back and look at what is there behind his head. Krishna opens his eyes and sees Arjuna.
Krishna says, that I have only two things to offer: my army and me. Duryodhana says what will I do with Krishna, I want your army.
Arjuna says we want you. We do not want anything from you.
They say that Vedas were distributed everywhere. Ved Vyasa organized the knowledge and decorated it. That is why even now when someone shares knowledge, we call that seat of knowledge Vyasa Peeth.
Ushan Kavi, there is not much information about this person.
Whatever we want to communicate, we should communicate correctly. Many times people say something and the they get stuck. Then they have to eat their own words. You see this often on TV. When when we do not have the intention, we hurt people using our words. The heart is clean but the there is no control over the tongue. There are three kinds of silence: controlling the tongue, controlling the mind, and then when you are looking within.
Conversations with God, in that the person is talking to themselves. One part they think that God is speaking and another they are speaking.
Silence is of three types.
A level of silence is when the senses are quiet. This moment I was to return to myself. This moment I do not want to listen to anything, sees anything.
Resting knowing that there is no difference me and the surroundings. That is the highest form of silence. When this happens, they compassion, comes up automatically. When if you want, it will not leave you. A devotee in Karnataka says that when the heart has blossomed, then even the breath is at a different temperature. If the mind is disturbed, there will be a bad smell in the breath. If the mind is calm, there is a nice smell in the breath.
The ones who know the secrets, I am the silence in them.
A 3-year-old comes and asks, where did this sibling come from?
Till now. only I was there where did this baby come from?
The parents say, Santa Claus has given this kid to come and play with you or nurse has given this.
What knowledge needs to be given at what age that is discrimination.
I am the knowledge in the knowledgable.
I am the center of everything.
Without me, this world that moves and the world that does not move, there is nothing.
I am the seed in all of them.
The world consists of mountains and trees which do not move and animals and humans who move.
There is no end to my vibhuti.
This is one world that I have described.
There are so many worlds. I cannot describe all that.
I have explained a little bit for you. But how can I explain in which all worlds I am?
The best in any field such as beauty, knowledge is because of me only. Wherever you see beauty, knowledge know that it is possible because of a fraction of my glory (tej).
After saying all this, he says how does knowing about my vibhutis matter to you? How will it affect you?
He says that the entire Universe is standing on just a portion of me.
Then he says how will it benefit you.
By saying this, he ends Arjuna's greed to hear more about Shri Krishna.
By knowing a lot, what will you do? We are there in front of each other. You think and do what you want, but know that you will only do whatever I want you to do.
This is applicable only for the person who has surrendered to him, whose mind is pure.
Krishna speaks 40 verses and then says all this is of no use to you.
He could have said earlier, you stand up and fight. Why should you hear about my vinbhutis?
He did not say this earlier. He says this now after speaking 40 verses. Knowledge is like soap, you have to apply it and then remove it.
This is the indicator of a Guru.
The specialty of Bhagavad Gita is that there is different knowledge shared at different instances. Step-by-step a dear one is taken ahead.