Here it goes....Saccchhhhiin....Saccchhhhiiiinnn

Actually this write-up came into my mind when I was watching India vs. Ireland match during worldcup. 
I thought I will complete it if India wins the world cup, however probably this was "D Day" Hope you enjoy :)

Other day I visited my friend's home for a get-together function. As a typical scene in an Indian home ,TV was ON and a cricket world cup match between India Vs. Ireland was being telecast-ed. India with two quick wickets down were facings some anxious moments. Sachin was batting and spontaneous words came from Aunty's mouth, "Sachin, aare baba tu tari khel aata (atleast Sachin you play well now)". 

For every mother in Indian house, Sachin is her dear son and whenever there is a troublesome situation she relies on this dear son to do well. Such is the aura of the great Sach(in). He not only carries burden of his team however carries hopes and faith of millions of Indian wanting him to do well for the country.

As Sachin himself is not satisfied with his performance, trying to improve with each n every game, spectators also wants better and better from him. They are not satisfied with his performance though he hits 3 sixes or 6 sixes. For Sachin's batting... Dil Mange More!! His good performance makes them happy while his poor performance make them unhappy. He was totally devoted and one with the Cricket and whenever there is oneness that's GOD

He has iconified any career. He lived true career,went on modifying his batting style overcoming injuries and adopted every format of game. Its a remarkable achievement to give such consistent service and that too with very few injuries over 24 years. He has answered his critiques, opponents with his bat. He has seen pinnacle of success in every format of the cricket.

He was always young on the ground and with his lively spirit I would say he will make any debut-ant also shy. He has shown true passion for cricket and the game has never died in him and will always alive in him, as he mentions cricket is like oxygen for me. For him the Game was bigger than anything else. 

World cup win was a fantasy end for his one day career, dream came true for which he has given 22 years of relentless service. Today on his retirement day, an icing on the cake a 200 test match, the home ground and well played half century and India's win and what else could you imagine?

Well, I would say real winner here is not Sachin however his LOVE for the Cricket. He himself mentioned that his father have given very nice words of wisdom that one day you have to quit this game of cricket, all records will be in the book, this will all change however what will remain with you is your nature. So be a good human being first and then comes what you want to become. And Sachin as a true son has followed his father's advice and today he will remembered of-course for his game however more than that for his humbleness. The first thing that comes in the mind is his humbleness.

With very emotional speech given by Sachin it was worth watching reactions of his family, team-mates and millions of spectators. He has won the hearts of the million peoples not with his records however with humble nature and values. I am sure rather than the records, awards though it may be Bharat Ratna what will always last in Sachin's mind is their LOVE for him and his LOVE for game as he himself said, 
"I want to thank my fans from the bottom of my heart. 'Sacchhhin...Sacchhhhin' will reverberate in my ears till I stop breathing.”

LOVE is the ultimate winner !!!


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