Raman Kulkarni
Raman is a professional photographer having specific interest in wild life and nature photography. He was always interested in Photography from childhood and followed his passion by starting an art gallery "Pugmark Art Gallery" in Kolhapur. He also carries out extensive research in nature and has vast knowledge about various trees, birds, snaks, butterflies etc. He carries his work relentlessly without any expectation. He has won few awards for his photography. Here are few photographs by him.

It requires courage, dedication and faith to follow one's dream and Raman has did it. Hats off to Raman and wishing him all the best luck and prosperity. I am sure he will achieve what he yearns for.

It requires courage, dedication and faith to follow one's dream and Raman has did it. Hats off to Raman and wishing him all the best luck and prosperity. I am sure he will achieve what he yearns for.